I’m impressed you remembered that script (makeTubeOn), which does exactly what I was describing.

However one should be able to get the other stroke settings and ramp attributes. Note that even when it is working the preset will not set the path, as this is determined by a separate (hidden) curve. I’ll enter a bug on presets on stroke nodes. The brush works, but not the stroke Shape Brush. presets are getting so big and long, it would be good if I could organize them in some groups… Maybe just a menu in presets to edit text. I know they can be edited in text, but that is not as quick always… or as user friendly… So it would be good to be able to quickly choose which parameters to save or load. They are very usefull, but very often I don’t want to change ALL the parameters. I would like to see some tool to edit content of those presets. If I remember well, there is a script to do this conversion. Thanks a lot for the idea, I will check it out. So, I’m trying to make a script for locator which follows clip animation, where I can connect object, or even other pfx. very often you need a leading “star” like here: Or for example drawing wireframe object, etc. The animation I was doing is type of airplane flying on a path. Yes, I know, but when you have 150 strokes for example, it will be nice not to double the number, just to have an extra effect on exactly same path. This will create a single tube that exactly follows the stroke( like with tubes off), however one can then use all the tube attributes like timeClip and flowspeed.ĭuncan: If I understand you, this can be done by first doing "Display:Show Geometry:stroke path curves" then selecting a different brush preset and do "pfx: Curve Utilities: Attach Brush to Curves". Segments = a value large enough to cover the entire stroke. Something you might find useful if doing things with the stroke path( as opposed to when “tubes = ON”): One can turn the path into a tube that can grow and have other properties by turning “tubes = ON” on the brush then setting the following: The creation of tubes off of the brush is very much a sequence, recreating what happens when you interactively paint the stroke. Currently reversing the path curve is the only way to reverse the stroke( if I understand what you are after… I assume you meant the path curve, as opposed to your converted “pfx to curve”). The stroke path direction is determined by the curve cv order. Is there a way to reverse brush direction without reversing the curve? For that you might use your same method but avoid zero scale to avoid the zero errors. It will not get the end of tube created by the stroke( for example the top of a growing flower). Note however this will only work if you are trying to get the maxClip affected end of the stroke path. You could create an expression that sets the location of a locator to $p, but only when $nPoints is not zero. The following will get the last point in this array:įloat $p = getAttr strokeShape1.outPoint

If $nPoints is zero then the array is empty. The last element in the array will be $nPoints-1. Int $nPoints = getAttr -s strokeShape1.outPoint The number of sampled points in the stroke path can be found by: If you just want the clipped stroke region, there is an out point attribute on the stroke node that contains the sampled path points. The only way I found so far was to convert the brush to curve, then reverse the curve, then select cv 0, and then make expression which follows it.īut the problem is that if reports constant errors if curve doesn’t exist, because size of brush is 0. I’m tryin to make script to create locator on the edge of the animated pfx brush with minClip or maxClip value. The paint effects to poly history has separate output meshes for leaves and branches, so you can simply delete the meshes you don’t need. The branch only one would have leaves turned off and have high tubeSections for round branches while the tube sections could be set to 3 for the other brush which would also have leafFlatness set to zero for triangular prism style needles. If you are converting them to poly you could potentially create two duplicate brushes… one to handle the leaves and one to handle the branches. However if the leaf flatness is 1.0 then they are only 1 poly across. Unfortunately the mesh style brushes use the same tubeSections for leaves that they do for the trunk which is especially wasteful if you are doing needles.

The needles in this example are flat to keep the poly count low. It is designed to convert to poly better than the old ones and also takes advantage of some of the newer paint effects features, like only having leaves on secondary branches and “branch after twigs”.